Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Neilmed Sinus Rinse And Ears NeilMed Sinus Rinse - Does It Work? Any Danger In Trying?

NeilMed Sinus Rinse - Does it work? Any danger in trying? - neilmed sinus rinse and ears

He said: Do not rinse if nasal passages are completely blocked, or if you have an infection of the ear or ears. How do I know if my nasal passage is completely blocked. My nose is clear, but I have) deep congestion on the right side of my sinuses (behind the eye, the right side of the nose.

1 comment:

  1. From what you say, you do not have a complete blockage of the nose. It is very likely that the rinse or wash the breasts can help. You can rinse NeilMed or even generic.

    Nasal washing is very old
    But now we know really works
    By Hana R. Solomon, MD
    How do I find myself suggesting that nasal cleansing can actually be implemented therapeutic? It all started when I saw the former hippie commune to attend medical school left. Of course, I learned the theories of traditional medicine, but I had always heard of natural resources. I recall my mentor in medical school who shared a recipe for washing the nose and promised it was safe and effective. If the drugs for my patients in the "real" world, I found myself reluctant to take antibiotics and prescription antihistamines, as it were as simple as writing on a piece of paper. I have the time to educate my patients about the washing of the nose and found that those who make the recommendation that need my services less responding. Got it!

    I found that the following absolute truths. ExpoSure to irritants such as allergens, pollution, waste, bacteria, viruses, smoke causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, increased production of mucus, mucus thick and sticky, normal traffic backup decreased function of the nose and hair growing congestion, infection and drug use.

    I also went through numerous studies have shown that hypertonic saline solution (saltier than the body) effective in the following cases: in the washing of particles reduces the nasal mucosa, increases the hair from the nose, diluted secretions, open the small openings in the chest and reduces the need for medication and reduce the number of infections.p] The biggest obstacle I found was the education and convenience. I found that my patients follow, my suggestion, if it offered a convenient package of a mixture of salt and a delivery system simple. So I developed a bottle that works well and works.

    Currently, there is a resurgence of self-awareness of consumers who want less drugs, more prevention, intervention reduces comfort. What is the right time to bring this product toMarket.

    I suggest that nasal irrigation for those who want to reduce their medication to save money for drugs, reduce allergies, stuffy nose and paranasal sinuses and prevent future problems of the nose.

    Nasal washes are useful for allergy sufferers, firefighters, laborers, farmers, owners of lawn, painters and others with frequent contact with pollutants. Pregnant women, sports enthusiasts and people who would experiment with drugs and with this simple procedure at home are tired. When I tell my patients about recommended treatment option, you should see the pros and cons of various options available before a decision to examine "how can then be washed in salt water hurt?" The people are better suited for cleaning the nose when he had his daily routine, like washing, shampooing hair, brushing, teeth, wash their hands and yes, the nose.

    Nasal cleansing is for good health. The nose is to filter the body, so it stays clean, it works.

    http://allergies.about.com/cs/treatment/ ...
