Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lumps More Condition_symptoms How Do I Get Rid Of The Lumps On The Bottom Of My Eyelid And What Are They?

How do i get rid of the lumps on the bottom of my eyelid and what are they? - lumps more condition_symptoms

It began before 1 a lump to have developed a few months and one week after 2 more pieces. They had a lot at first, but now they DONT have bothered me much. You can not really noticed, but my whole eyelid is a little red sometimes. I wonder if someone could tell me how to get rid of.

1 comment:

  1. Stys or calcification could be if a tea bag soaked in hot water and place them in the eye for about thirty minutes a day they should disappear after one or two weeks. If not, I went to the ophthalmologist.
